Create Users

  • Enter the BITS ID of the students in a file named 'userList'
  • Enter the details in gitlab_config (without spaces) -
    -- First line -> hostname
    -- Second line -> gitlab Administrator username
    -- Third line -> gitlab Administrator password
  • Type the command java -jar createUsers.jar
  • Email of the user will be the BITS mail
  • Username and password of the new accounts created will be their BITS IDs

Create Lab

  • run the command -> sudo bash create <lab-name>

Delete Lab

  • run the command -> sudo bash delete <lab-name>

Add testcases

  • run the command -> sudo bash add testcase <lab-name> <path-to-dir>
    --lab-name is the name of the lab to which testcase will be added.
    --path-to-dir is the path(relative to misc folder/absolute) to the folder containing testcases.

Add solutions

  • run the command -> sudo bash add solutions <lab-name> <path-to-dir>
    --lab-name is the name of the lab to which solutions will be added.
    --path-to-dir is the path(relative to misc folder/absolute) to the folder containing solutions.

Add skeleton-code

  • run the command -> sudo bash add skeleton_code <lab-name> <path-to-dir>
    --lab-name is the name of the lab to which skeleton_code will be added.
    --path-to-dir is the path(relative to misc folder/absolute) to the folder containing the skeleton_code.

Remove testcases

  • run the command -> sudo bash remove testcase <lab-name>
    --lab-name is the name of the lab from which testcase will be removed.

Remove solutions

  • run the command -> sudo bash remove solutions <lab-name>
    --lab-name is the name of the lab from which testcase will be removed.

Remove skeleton-code

  • run the command -> sudo bash remove skeleton_code <lab-name>
    --lab-name is the name of the lab from which testcase will be removed.


  1. Wroking directory is '/Autolab/misc' folder.
  2. The userList file has to be consistent before running 'createUsers.jar'.
  3. All the IDs in the 'userList' file will get an account each time 'createUsers.jar' is run.
  4. 'gitlab_config' has to have the correct details before running any command from the '' script.
  5. A copy of the the lab will appear in the 'misc' folder.
  6. When a project is created all the users from the 'userList' will be added as members to the project and will be given
    only view and download access (Guest privileges).